Lucy Saunders

Lucy Saunders
Lucy Saunders combines a rare combination of public health specialist, urbanist and transport planner. The UK resident used that diversity to create the Healthy Streets Approach, an evidence based-framework for decision making at every level to embed public health in city transport, public realm and planning.
Her highly influential work put health at the heart of city policy in London. Healthy Streets became the framework of the Mayor’s 25 year Transport Strategy, a pillar of the London Plan (spatial plan) and part of all the Mayor’s statutory strategies.
Building on her success in London, Lucy now shares her expertise with developers, cities and regions globally.
She developed bespoke Healthy Streets tools to enable practitioners to apply the Healthy Streets Approach in horizon scanning, case making, design, implementation and evaluation.
Lucy works with organisations across the world adapting her Healthy Streets Approach to each context. The success of this approach is its wide-reaching resonance across political, special interest and professional divides.
She uses this approach to engage, influence, and coordinate a wide range of stakeholders around a coherent vision. She is a skilled and engaging presenter and teacher who has inspired and trained hundreds of practitioners, advocates, and politicians around the world.
She is a Fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health and has masters degrees in geography and public health.
Take a look at how Lucy implemented the Healthy Streets approach in Sydeny’s Western Parkland City.