Sara Stace

Sara Stace
Sara Stace is a city shaper, strategic thinker and innovator with extensive knowledge about cities, land use, and urban transport.
She is Australia's Director of Cities for management and consultancy firm WSP Global, providing strategic advice on urban policy related to places and precincts, active transport, master planning, and governance
Over the past 24 years, Sara has worked for federal, state and local government, as well as the private sector. They includes lead roles for walking and cycling strategy at Transport for NSW, and Director National Urban Policy for Infrastructure Australia.
She has written and co-authored 20 publications - including documents for the United Nations and Australian Government - and has won 15 national and State awards for excellence in project delivery, program management and contribution to the public sector.
Watch this speech Sara gave on TfNSW’s Walking in Cycling Strategy in 2019.