Gordon Hughes

Gordon Hughes
Gordon Hughes leads the Active Transport branch in the Cities and Active Transport division at Transport for NSW.
His area champions walking and cycling, enables emerging active transport modes and manages initiatives that deliver tangible and sustainable outcomes for the people of NSW.
He leads the progressive development and expanded capability of a branch that provides Transport with portfolio oversight of the end-to end delivery for walking and cycling improvements and drives programs and initiatives that improve connectivity and travel choices for local travel. This includes establishing tools and frameworks that help to define, coordinate and enable integrated and sustainable travel for people of all ages and abilities.
Current focuses include:
- Get NSW Active program grants for NSW councils
- the rollout of strategic cycleway corridors across six cities
- pilots for the development of walkable neighbourhoods concepts
- behaviour change campaigns to promote viable travel choices and active lifestyles
- enabling NSW councils to operate e-scooter shared scheme trials in selected metropolitan and regional areas