Introducing the Active Transport branch of TfNSW

Speaker: Gordon Hughes

Scheduled in program: Friday, 25 November, 04:00 - 04:30 PM


Keynote in theme: Making it Right

The head of Transport for NSW's Active Transport branch, Gordon Hughes, provides insight to the branch, its objectives and key projects.

Active Transport embeds and enables the effective delivery of programs and initiatives that encourage people to choose sustainable modes of transport.

This includes projects and initiatives to encourage more people to walk or ride a bike in and around our neighbourhoods, precincts and recreational activity hubs, including people with all levels of ability. ​

One of the branch's biggest priorities is addressing gaps in the NSW's transport networks, such as connecting cycleways, shared paths and footpaths to support and promote safe and accessible walking, cycling and other micromobility.

Active Transport helps identify and shape solutions for NSW cities and regions and ensures integrated implementation, informed decisions and a planning framework that can guide investment.

Above all, the branch champions walking and cycling, enables emerging active transport modes and manages initiatives that deliver tangible and sustainable outcomes for the people of NSW.