Micromobility 2.0: Advances in e-mobility technology will ensure Australia continues replacing the car journey, but safely

Speaker: Tom Cooper

Scheduled in program: Friday, 25th November 1:00 - 1:30 PM


Spin Cycle in Theme: Making it There

It’s more than 100 years since cars were introduced to Australian roads, completely revolutionising transportation in Australia. But their introduction brought condemnation as a ‘road menace’. Sound familiar?

Tom Cooper, the Australia and NZ head of leading scooter company Beam, explains how e-scooters are adapting and advancing to protect community safety, as share services expand into many cities and regional centres in the two countries.

Tom will cut through the mountain of community debate about where e-scooters should be ridden, how fast, and whether they actually can form a valuable part of a city’s transport network.

He will reveal Beam data on how many people are moving away from car dependency to e-mobility and how, as a result of their rising popularity, e-scooters have outgrown GPS systems and are adopting higher technological capabilities to boost public safety.

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